A Note from Cancer Care Counsellinghttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counsellingHopeSpring Cancer Support CentreBeing Rootedhttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/being_rooted<div><p id="isPasted">Being Rooted</p><p> The other day when I was walking in the forest, I came upon a tree leaning at a 45-degree angle and was surprisingly still very much alive. I spent some time leaning against the trunk of the tree wondering how the tree managed to be flourishing, let alone still standing, despite its precarious position. The answer, which seems obvious…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffSat, 04 Jun 2022 08:55:21 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/being_rootedMental Health and Self Compassion (part 1)https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/mental_health_and_self_compassion_part_1<div><p id="isPasted">A friend comes to you feeling defeated, ashamed, and really down on themselves. What do you do? It may be safe to bet that, feeling empathy for your friend, you encourage them with everything that makes your friend so loveable, worthy, and valued. And yet, when you yourself are feeling defeated, ashamed, or really down on yourself, do you meet…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffMon, 23 May 2022 16:13:57 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/mental_health_and_self_compassion_part_1Meditation is Exercise for the Brainhttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/meditation_is_exercise_for_the_brain<div><p id="isPasted">Many people have this idea that meditation involves sitting down and doing nothing. But this is a misconception. Meditation is an active process, an exercise for the brain. The aim of the exercise is to become consciously aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them. Meditation is not about trying to turn off your thoughts and…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffSun, 15 May 2022 22:10:30 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/meditation_is_exercise_for_the_brainGood Sleep Strategieshttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/good_sleep_strategies<div><p><img src="/.api2/binaries/rR3SB7UkBh/thumbnails/Good%20Sleep_header.png?width=300" style="width: 300px; height: auto;" class="fr-fic fr-dib fr-fil" data-key="rR3SB7UkBh" data-contentlength="49947" data-contenttype="image/png" data-binarylocation="/.api2/binaries/rR3SB7UkBh/download/Good Sleep_header.png" data-thumbnaillocation="/.api2/binaries/rR3SB7UkBh/thumbnails/Good Sleep_header.png" data-name="Good Sleep_header.png" data-isprofilephoto="false" data-ig-embed-key="rR3SB7UkBh"></p> <p id="isPasted">Have you ever heard a TV or radio program informing you of the importance of sleep for health, happiness, and productivity? That would be great if you could get to sleep, right?  Sleeping problems are indicated even with such things as lying in bed for more than 30 minutes without being able to fall asleep; trouble staying asleep: waking up…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffSun, 08 May 2022 23:43:46 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/good_sleep_strategiesThe Benefits of Nature and Mental Healthhttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/the_benefits_of_nature_and_mental_health<div><p id="isPasted">We all know that exercise is good for our mental health, but did you know that exercising in “green spaces” and in fact, just looking at nature has also been proven to benefit mental health and wellness?  It’s true.  A few years ago, the Canadian Mental Health Association published the article, “The Nurture of Nature:  Natural Settings and Their…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffSun, 01 May 2022 15:44:54 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/the_benefits_of_nature_and_mental_healthCoping with Suffering Health Concernshttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/coping_with_suffering_health_concerns<div><p id="isPasted">Coping with Suffering Health Concerns</p><p> A diagnosis from a doctor can seem deafening, everything goes numb, your thoughts race a mile a minute, searching for an answer. Why? Why me? Why is this happening? So many endless questions with no direction or answers. It feels as if a simple word has changed your entire life and the path that was once so…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffSun, 24 Apr 2022 22:12:17 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/coping_with_suffering_health_concernsIt's OK If You Aren't OKhttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/its_ok_if_you_arent_ok<div><p id="isPasted">You’ve got your gratitude wall up at work, Facebook covered in motivational quotes, and your positive affirmations rehearsed on the daily. But you’re still miserable. Everyone else seems to be able to fix everything with a positive quote or by counting their blessings, does this mean there is simply something wrong with you if these things don’t…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffThu, 14 Apr 2022 20:08:14 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/its_ok_if_you_arent_okCaring for the Caregiverhttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/caring_for_the_caregiver<div><p id="isPasted"><br></p><p>As we welcome May, we also celebrate “Family Caregiver Month” and the very important role that caregivers play in the lives of those they care for.   In Canada, one in four Canadians (7.8 million people) report caring for a family member who has a disability, a long-term condition or experiences health challenges associated with aging  …</p></div>HopeSpring StaffFri, 08 Apr 2022 20:40:42 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/caring_for_the_caregiverThe Benefits of Nature-Getting Outdoorshttps://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/the_benefits_of_nature_getting_outdoors<div><p id="isPasted">We all know that exercise is good for our mental health, but did you know that exercising in “green spaces” and in fact, just looking at nature has also been proven to benefit mental health and wellness?  It’s true.  A few years ago, the Canadian Mental Health Association published the article, “The Nurture of Nature:  Natural Settings and Their…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffSun, 03 Apr 2022 21:21:14 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/the_benefits_of_nature_getting_outdoorsWhat is Your Story?https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/what_is_your_story<div><p id="isPasted">Wherever you find people you will find stories. They are not only woven throughout our history, they are our history. Across all of time and every culture we are united in the commonality of storytelling, though the tales told are often so different they are also much the same. Creation stories, family stories, tragic stories of death and…</p></div>HopeSpring StaffFri, 25 Mar 2022 15:58:26 -0400https://www.hopespring.ca/newspub/a_note_from_cancer_care_counselling/what_is_your_story