Know Your Lemons

Cancer Awareness

Facilitator Name: Sheryl Abraham

Sheryl is a trained volunteer with the KNOW YOUR LEMONS FOUNDATION. She wants others to know about early detection, best practices and breast health. She recently became a volunteer with HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre as well. After reading the Community Consultations report, Sheryl wanted to offer the Know Your Lemons event to the community. Sheryl completed her MSW at Wilfred Laurier University and lived in Waterloo while completing her studies. She is happy to give back to the community through her volunteer work with HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre.

Know Your Lemons Breast Cancer Education

The mission of the Know Your Lemons Foundation is to help men and women find breast cancer as early as possible. They do this in part through helping others become better informed on breast health, breast cancer symptoms, screening and risk factors.

Please invite your male, female, transgender and non-binary gender family and friends to join so they can learn how to do a self-exam, learn about breast health, breast cancer symptoms, risk factors and other important information.

Location: Zoom

Designed for: This program is for members, caregivers and family members.

We kindly ask you to only register for those classes you know you can attend. As a non-profit, this will allow us to be more efficient with our limited resources.








Current Status

NOTE: This program is currently NA. We will update here when this status changes.

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