Men's Support Group

Men's Support Group

Come meet other men who are going through cancer. This program provides an opportunity for men who are patients in active or post-treatment and men caregivers to meet with each other for information gathering, networking, and conversation about their experience with cancer.

Registration is required.

Other recommended programs:
If you join us for the Men's Support Group, you might be interested in Cancer Care Counselling or Peer Support

If you are a caregiver, you are welcome to join the Caregivers Support Group.

If you're looking for online support please visit:

Day: Wednesday evening
Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Designed for: men who have cancer and men who are caregivers


Fall Program Schedule


Sept 6Oct 4Nov 1Dec 13
Sept 20Oct 18-NANov 15

Nov 29


We kindly ask you to only register for those classes you know you can attend. As a non-profit, this will allow us to be more efficient with our limited resources.


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