Our Community Partners

Your support and the partnership that you continue to build with the HopeSpring community, demonstrates that Waterloo and Wellington Regions are caring and compassionate!  Your organizations have ensured that the members receive the much-needed programing and services while going through their cancer journey, for this we are so grateful!

Our community partners include:

Artline Salon

CKWR Radio

CIBCCIBC continues to support the Exercise and Movement programs at HopeSpring, providing patients and their families led by professional facilitators, experienced with cancer. HopeSpring thanks them for their support of this pillar of wellness.

Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation
Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation continues to support Puddle Jumpers. It provides children with cancer a supportive environment that will foster play, physical activity, social interaction and creative outlets.

Chaplin Family YMCA hosts our HopeSpring programs in Cambridge. You can find the Chaplin Family YMCA at 250 Hespler Road in Cambridge.

Cancer Chat Canada logoCancer Chat Canada provides online support to those affected by cancer.

Carizon Logo w taglineCarizon Family and Community Services

Guelph Community FoundationGuelph Community Foundation provided funding for our Better Sleep

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Igloo has provided us with our website.

logoInterfaith Counselling Centre

Kitchener and Waterloo Community Foundation (KWCF) has helped us provide vital services to people with cancer in Kitchener Waterloo through their grants.
Shoppers Drug Mart provides funding to support Women's Support Groups.

Stantec provides funding for the Art Expression program.
Strassburger-Windows-LogoStrassburger Windows
Trinity United logo
Trinity United Church
UW WELL-FIT LOGO(1)UW WELL-FIT is a unique group exercise program for individuals undergoing chemotherapy, radiation, or hormonal therapy treatment for various cancers. You can contact UW WELL-FIT at 519-888-4567 ext 36841 or fitness@uwaterloo.ca.

The Waters Logo
The Waters Spa


Waterloo Wellington Self-Management

Self-management is having the skills and confidence to take charge of your health and improve your quality of life and emotional well-being.

The Waterloo Wellington Self-Management Program coordinates a variety of interactive, group-based self-management workshops to support individuals and their caregivers to achieve their best health and wellness. Participants learn how to make healthier choices, better understand and manage their symptoms, increase their confidence, set realistic goals and problem-solve.

Waterloo Region Record Community Parnterships Program
The Waterloo Region Record has once again supported HopeSpring as part of the Community Partner Program to help us get the word out.
Zonta Club of KWZonta Club of Kitchener Waterloo The women of the Zonta Club of KW have been very generous to our members for many years. They have provided grants from money raised at the Betty Thompson Golf Classic to provide wigs for our boutique. In 2011 we partnered with Zonta to provide post-mastectomy camisoles to women who will be undergoing a mastectomy.

Our medical partners

Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH), with 1,113 dedicated and skilled healthcare professionals, technicians and staff provide excellent care to residents of Cambridge, the township of North Dumfries and the Region of Waterloo. Whether you are a visitor or prospective patient, you can be assured that each member of the CMH team is fully committed to providing you and your family and friends with superior and compassionate care and service.

head_logo grrcc.jpg
Grand River Regional Cancer Centre (GRRCC) Opened in Kitchener in September 2003 to serve Waterloo Region, Wellington County & surrounding areas. The GRRCC is a full-service, comprehensive cancer treatment & research centre.

Guelph General Hospital
Hospice of Waterloo Region
Hospice of Waterloo Region Hospice of Waterloo Region is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing comfort, care and support to people affected by life-threatening illness. Their services are provided in home, hospital, or long-term care facility settings by trained volunteers.
Hospice Wellington
Hospice Wellington Since 1980, Hospice Wellington has provided compassionate care, emotional support and practical assistance to individuals and families facing a life-threatening illness, extending through bereavement. Hospice Wellington was created as the result of several concerned citizens who believed that services in the community did not adequately meet the needs of individuals who were in their last stages of life.

Mount Forest Family Health Team and Cancer Patient Services Corporation

Innisfree House

Lisaard House
Lisaard House: Waterloo Region's first and only residential cancer hospice, Lisaard House provides care, free of charge, for individuals facing a limited life expectancy. Lisaard House is committed to helping people dying of cancer live the life remaining to them as fully as possible and easing the challenges facing their loved ones.

St Mary's General Hospital
St Mary's General Hopsital (SMGH) Located in the heart of Kitchener, Ontario, St. Mary's is the second-largest acute care hospital in the St. Joseph's Health System and a Regional Cardiac Care Centre.

Make a Difference

You have the ability to transform the lives of people on a cancer journey. The link above takes you to Canada Helps, which is our giving-partner. Your funds stay in our community to support our members. Thanks ahead for making a difference.

When you donate to HopeSpring, you are making an investment in the quality of life in our community.  You’re directly helping to address a serious challenge, by providing the resources needed to lessen the burden of cancer.

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