
Over 13.3 million people - 47% of Canadians aged 15 and over—did volunteer work in 2010 (Source: Volunteering in Canada).Volunteers power HopeSpring, from delivering programs and services, to supporting our centre, support our members and performing administrative tasks.  

Are you interested in giving back to your community? Here are a list of volunteers who support HopeSpring. To apply, please use the green buttons below. We'd love to have you join us.

We appreciate everyone who would consider volunteering at HopeSpring, however, we ask that our volunteers be 18 years of age minimum.

Volunteer Application Form

Volunteer Positions:

Volunteer PositionDescriptionHow do I apply?
Board of Directors/Committee MembersThe Board is made up of a group of volunteers who use their skills and experience to govern and provide direction to HopeSpring staff.
Volunteer PositionDescriptionHow do I apply?
Administrative AssistantThe Administrative Assistant Volunteer is responsible for the day-to-day centre activities at HopeSpring. This position includes greeting and interacting with our members, providing individual caring support, booking relaxation appointments, taking registrations for programs, general housekeeping duties and providing wig and camisole fittings.
Certified Relaxation PractitionerPractitioners of Reiki, Reflexology, Massage Therapy and Therapeutic Touch volunteer their skills and deliver regular sessions to the HopeSpring community. Their unique skills are gratefully received by many HopeSpring members.
Indigenous Cancer Care Support AssistantThis volunteer position will liaise with Indigenous groups to help navigate HopeSpring programs and services and provide community referrals throughout their cancer journeys.
Please Note: This position requires that you be a member of the indigenous community.
Outreach/Promotional Material DistributionThis volunteer position will assist by reaching out to our community and delivering promotional materials. Community Outreach volunteers respond to community requests to talk to organizations about HopeSpring's services and programs. 
Peer Support VolunteerPeer support volunteers are cancer survivors and are at least 1 year since their last treatment. They meet with members or family members to share specific experiences related to their cancer treatment. Peer support volunteers provide a valuable connection.
Please Note: Minimum age for this position is 18 years old, and preference is given to survivors.
Program Assistant & Program FacilitatorThese volunteer positions deliver and support the delivery of our programs.
Registered DietitianThis volunteer position will provide educational information on how to cook healthy to ease the common discomforts from cancer treatment.
Sewers and KnittersWe are looking for sewers and knitters to create turbans, head coverings, quilts, afghans and knitted hats for our members. These volunteers use their talents and gifts to put a smile on our members' faces.
Special Event & AmbassadorsSpecial Events Volunteers take care of important tasks during our program and fundraising events. Some of these volunteers assist on one committee to raise funds each year. Other volunteers are available to help promote and staff our many program events.
Youth Social WorkerThis volunteer position will plan, organize, and oversee youth exercise activities for Children's Programming to help youth understand cancer, develop coping skills, and express their emotional well-being. The incumbent must have bachelor’s degree in Social Work or Psychology.

We rely on the kindness of volunteers for every facet of our organization. If you have questions about volunteering with HopeSpring, please contact Volunteer@Hopespring.ca.

HopeSpring Volunteers Feature Page

Michele Way

Hi, Waterloo Region is THE place in my life, having been born and raised here and where I: graduated from Laurier; met my amazing husband, Rob; had our wonderful sons – Colin & Corey; spent the majority of my working career as an HR professional; was the consummate hockey, fastball, volleyball…sports mom; spoil 2 grand doggies – Teddy & Koda and now await being a new mother-in-law to two special women – Erin & Melissa.

I have been very fortunate to have been involved in a whole host of volunteer activities over the years.   Currently, I spend my time with Hockey Helps the Homeless, House of Friendship, YW and KidsAbility but in the past have also had the privilege of working with OneRoof, the MayCourt Club, the Sunshine Foundation and the St. Mary’s Volunteer Association.

If you wonder what has brought me to HopeSpring in the newer role of Peer Support Volunteer, it’s been my new season of survivorship from both lung & breast cancer. The past 4 years I have been blessed with incredible family support, wise health care teams and friends that have stood strongly with me and now I am extremely fortunate to support others who reach out to HopeSpring as they bravely travel through their cancer journeys.  It is very humbling to be given this volunteer recognition when it is truly an honour to support our HopeSpring members!

Christina Gelinas
HopeSpring volunteer

Hello dear HopeSpring community. Christina here. I’ve been a volunteer facilitator for the every-other-Tuesday-evening women’s cancer support group since July 2019.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was fortunate to be connected with a peer support volunteer who offered me very much needed support during a very scary time. She was seven years out from her diagnosis and just knowing that she had been on the “other side” for that long gave me hope that I too would be on the other side and able to help someone else one day. And here I am, almost eight years later, able to offer my support to women experiencing their own cancer challenges and hopes.

I can’t even begin to tell you what a beautiful experience it is to lead this group. The support, the understanding, the care and the love exchanged by the women in the group is life-affirming and we have all agreed that we leave our meetings feeling a little lighter. It’s a special feeling to know there’s a space where we’ve got each other’s backs, where we can share the load and make each other’s lives just a little bit easier.

 Thank you to all the HopeSpring staff and volunteers who make all of this amazing support possible. Especially now, when we need each other more than ever.

It takes a community to come together to support one another. 

Thank you to our volunteers! You are providing a greater reach and more support in the community for cancer support. Volunteer Application Form

Thank you to our donors! You are supporting the organization to do the work to assist our members on a cancer journey. Donate here

Tell us why you volunteer

Why do you Volunteer?

Why do you Volunteer?
14 votes

To give back

17 votes

To help others

19 votes

To make a difference in my community

5 votes

To get my 40 hours of community service for high school

4 votes

As part of my post-secondary school program

Total: 59 votes

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