Legacy Giving
Legacy Giving
A legacy can take many forms. You can create your own legacy helping those facing one of the most common illnesses today. Locally, over 4,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year. Look around you – you probably know someone facing cancer right now. Behind every diagnosis is a family impacted by that physical and emotional trauma. HopeSpring works hand in hand with the hospitals, providing psychosocial support in partnership with treatment. Your Legacy Gift supports the essential programs and initiatives that helps cancer patients and their families manage the stress and cope better when facing a diagnosis. Your Legacy Gift can have a profound impact on the lives of those facing cancer in the Region.
Most people’s generosity is limited by their income. Simply put, Legacy Gifts allow ordinary people to make an extraordinary impact. Bequests, gifts of insurance, gifts of stock, charitable annuities, and other forms of Legacy Gift – with careful estate planning, these gifts can have a huge impact on cancer patients and their families while preserving more of your wealth for your heirs. Tax smart giving offers donors a chance to be incredibly generous while leaving disposable income intact.
We understand that you may have people who depend on you for financial support. That’s as it should be. But if you are able to provide for family and worthy causes, we would welcome your legacy gift.
1.5 million Canadians have already chosen to make gifts to charity in their wills. Many noble and generous people have chosen to extend their love beyond their immediate circle.
Your will reflects what you value in life. In writing a will, your lasting words will echo through the generations and will ensure that your final wishes become a reality.
Every day, people from all walks of life make important gifts in their wills. A farmer leaves a bequest to his church. A retired teacher leaves a gift to her local food bank. These gifts don’t make the headlines – but they do so much to improve lives here on earth. Legacy gifts pay big dividends.
We would be honoured to help you create a Legacy Gift that ensures your wishes are realized in the years to come. Learn how your Legacy will make a difference in life of someone with cancer.
Shawn Hlowatzki
President, Board of Directors
HopeSpring Cancer Support Centre
Inn of Waterloo, 475 King St N, Tower Suite
Waterloo, ON N2J 5Z2
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