
If you're thinking about supporting us with a fundraiser, please let us know! Contact about your fundraising plans.

Ready to go, or looking for inspiration? Here are some templates, documents and guidelines to get you started.


  • Receipting Guidelines: The most common situations for issuing Charitable Tax Receipts. If you have further receipting questions, contact
  • Raffle or Lottery Guidelines: General rules and procedures for organizing a fundraising raffle or game of chance. NOTE: A license, which HopeSpring must apply for on your behalf, is required for all games.
  • Charitable Auction Guidelines: Some legal rules that must be followed while doing a fundraising auction. Also explains receipting opportunities.


  • Fundraiser Proposal Form: not required, but if you've never done a fundraiser before it may help you think about some things you may not have considered
  • Post-Event Report: not required, but could be helpful to gauge the success of your fundraiser
  • In-kind Donation Form: useful for Silent Auction item collection when receipts will be issued.

Templates and Samples

These are just starting points for you to design your own documents for your fundraiser. Feel free to reformat or add to these files as much as you like! The information listed here is what we recommend you collect for each item.

When you donate to HopeSpring, you are making an investment in the quality of life in our community.  You’re directly helping to address a serious challenge, by providing the resources needed to lessen the burden of cancer.

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