The Promise of Post Traumatic Growth and How We Arrive There
The Promise of Post Traumatic Growth and How We Arrive There
There are four factors which lead to post traumatic growth:
Brutally Honest Optimism
Perception of Control Over Events
Coping Style
A Strong Sense of Self
As we have witnessed from this past year alone, the effects of COVID-19 and the pandemic have been overwhelming and all encompassing. No one has been untouched by this global pandemic, and we can see from the research that those that have a high degree of resilience often fare better in the face of such adversity than those who do not have these skills. The good news is there are ways to move forward with hope and to learn resilience and to heal together from collective trauma.
Post-traumatic growth is not a given. It is important to know that the road may seem long and arduous and that it may not feel successful even initially. However, survivors have found that they can begin to define themselves and their communities by their strengths and that in no small way these strengths have been forged by adversity.
The Five Domains of Post Traumatic Are:
Personal Strength
Closer Relationships
Greater Appreciation for Life
New Possibilities
Spiritual Development
If we can move through trauma and this pandemic with our own innate strength and emotional resilience as well as appreciating the ones we love and our family and friends, we may find these relationships evolve and become stronger. This is based on our shared experience of living through this pandemic together and witnessing how strong our community ties are and how interconnected we are. There is so much goodness and support from our neighbours and our communities that has been given and received.
We have all tasted the fragility of life and how fleeting and precious it is in the face of this virus and how it overtook the world. We can move forward knowing what we value and living each day and moment as fully and mindfully as we can cherishing the good and simple pleasures, our families and friends and our freedom.
We can create new possibilities out of this turmoil and chaos which may not have come to us before. You may now go after that dream and adventure that you kept putting off until the time was right. There is no time like the present to travel, go back to school, move to a new location or try out that new hobby or class you have always wanted to take.
You may also find meaning in a power greater than yourself or the universe feeling the inherent oneness of us all or may simply re evaluate your own beliefs feeling a deeper connection to Nature, the Earth and all beings.
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